• 92 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Storage Dispatch Optimization without endogenous capacity optimizationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Arnav Singh 6/1/2020

    I would like to model optimized storage dispatch for a given capacity investment path.
    My aim is to compare scenarios that are based on policy based capacity additions. That is - exogenous capacity only.
    How can LEAP2020 optimize storage dispatch without optimizing for endogenous capacity additions?

  • Charlie Heaps 6/8/2020
      Best Response

    >>I would like to model optimized storage dispatch for a given capacity investment path. My aim is to compare scenarios that are based on policy based capacity additions. That is - exogenous capacity only. How can LEAP2020 optimize storage dispatch without optimizing for endogenous capacity additions?

    Hi Arnav,

    I think this should be possible. Just make sure you specify all the necessary capacity as exogenous capacity and then run the scenario in optimization mode. LEAP should simply decide not to add any additional capacity but it will also do optimized dispatch calculations. Be very careful not to over specify the system with too many constraints though - this may yield "infeasible solution" errors. I would recommend adding constraints only very gradually.

    Hope this helps!
