• 150 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Bug with "Device Share" variable in LEAP2020Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Sharad Bharadwaj 6/3/2020


    I am getting a bug in LEAP2020 where analyzing device using stock turnover with non-zero device share seems to break when there are multiple device shares. I've included a JPG of this error, as well as an example of the device share user variable with this arrangement. This model runs okay on LEAP2018 (v1.4), but seems to cause an issue with LEAP2020.

    Thank you!

  • Charlie Heaps 6/8/2020
      Best Response

    If you can send me your data set as a .leap file I can take a look at this. Please send to charlie.heaps@sei.org

    Thanks and sorry for the problems.


  • Sharad Bharadwaj 6/10/2020
      Best Response

    No problem, I've sent the LEAP file over to you, please let me know if you don't receive it.

    Thank you,