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    Topic: Importing Demand data from Excel to create load shapeSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Nour Shihabuddin 6/15/2020


    Would it be possible to share the excel example file from the Training Manual for the optimization exercise 6 please? I cannot seem to find it, in the manual it references the below path which does not exist anymore. I have 8760 demand (MW) data, and 8760 generation (MWh) data that I would like to import to create a load shape to study the effects of demand on supply. Which one should be typically used? Also, If I want to import a new shape to show variability of renewables, would the "Availability Shape" option be the right shape to use? and would the data needed for that only be the Availability/capacity factor in % defined for each time-slice?

    Document\LEAP Areas\Optimization Exercise\Sample Load Shape.xlsx

  • Charlie Heaps 6/15/2020
      Best Response


    >>Would it be possible to share the excel example file from the Training Manual for the optimization exercise 6 please? I cannot seem to find it, in the manual it references the below path which does not exist anymore.
    Document\LEAP Areas\Optimization Exercise\Sample Load Shape.xlsx

    Please look again in your LEAP Areas\Optimization Exercise folder. It may not be below your documents or my documents folders if you chose a different location. That spreadsheet IS still installed along with other data files used by LEAP, so you should be able to find it unless it somehow got deleted. Even so, I am attaching it again here, FYI.

    >>I have 8760 demand (MW) data, and 8760 generation (MWh) data that I would like to import to create a load shape to study the effects of demand on supply. Which one should be typically used?

    If you are specifying a system load shape, then I think you should use the generation data, but they should be more or less the same shape as each other.

    >>Also, If I want to import a new shape to show variability of renewables, would the "Availability Shape" option be the right shape to use? and would the data needed for that only be the Availability/capacity factor in % defined for each time-slice?
    Correct - you can then reference that shape in the Maximum Availavility variable for a Transformation process. For example, if the shape is named "solar availability" you can use an expression like this: YearlyShape(solar availability)

    Suggest looking at the Time Slice Demo data set as this has some other examples. You can get that using menu option Area; Install: Install from the Internet..



    Attachments:  sample load shape.xlsx [12]
  • Peter Santana 7/28/2021
      Best Response

    Thank you very much, I was looking for it too.