• 188 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Reset to Inherited via import?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Christine White 6/16/2020

    Hello, if I have already imported numerous data points in a scenario but have decided that they should be reset to inherit from a different scenario, is there a way to do that via the import from excel function? If I leave the cell of the import file blank and try to import, LEAP will not overwrite the values already entered. If I add "0" it will assume that I want to set the value to 0. I have a lot of values I will need to change, so it would be helpful to be able to import a reset and I'm hoping you might have an answer. Thank you!
  • Charlie Heaps 6/18/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Christine,

    Thanks for alerting me to this and apologies for the inconvenience. I will tweak the code for importing branches so that blank cells DO cause the expression to be deleted (and hence reset to the inherited parent scenario). Please look out for this in the next released (which will be 2020.1.9).



  • Christine White 6/18/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie, thank you! I was running 2020.1.6 with that last comment, but now I've run both 2020.1.7 and 2020.1.8 and what I'm finding in those is that with both, an import from excel with new values seems to remove any previous values and changes it to the inherited values, rather than replacing with the new values, so I'm unable to import new data at all.
  • Charlie Heaps 6/19/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Christine

    I've just posted a new version of LEAP (20201.1.9). I think it should fix the issues you encountered related to importing and exporting. Could you give it a try and let me know what you find (in this thread)?



  • Christine White 6/22/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie, it seems to me that the import of new values is not working. I'm starting with values in LEAP that I've imported previously and after doing a Q&A found that they are not correct.

    I'm trying to import the following in this place:

    LEAP Runs the import looking like it normally does:

    but at the end of that it has simply reset the values to the current accounts again:

    I utilized the export function and populated the new values into the spreadsheet to ensure it was correlated to the proper LEAP variables, but it still won't import my values. I've tried importing based on the LEAP IDs as well as with the branch names. Thanks for any additional guidance you may have!
