• 76 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Modelling various sectors consuming electricitySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ankur Sharma 6/30/2020


    I am modelling the electricity sector for a country and for the demand, wish to incorporate sectors like transport, commercial, industry, residential etc.

    For a study focusing on the supply side e.g. cleaner generation , mention all these sectors or just include total electricity demand forecasts ?

  • Charlie Heaps 7/1/2020
      Best Response

    >>I am modelling the electricity sector for a country and for the demand, wish to incorporate sectors like transport, commercial, industry, residential etc. For a study focusing on the supply side e.g. cleaner generation , mention all these sectors or just include total electricity demand forecasts ?

    It's really up to you what level of detail you put into LEAP. You could simply put in total electricity demand or you can build a much larger model that examines sectors, subsectors, end-use and devices.