• 131 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: NEMO and GurobiSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jose Morillo Carrillo 6/30/2020

    Hi all,

    NEMO is not working with Gurobi. How I should addres this issue?


  • Jason Veysey 7/7/2020
      Best Response

    Hi, Jose -

    Please verify that you're using a supported version of Gurobi (currently anything from 7.0 to 8.1; see https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/installation/#Solver-compatibility-1). If you are, the problem is likely due to a fault in Julia's Gurobi package. Open Julia, and try running the following commands:

    julia> using Pkg
    julia> Pkg.build("Gurobi")

    Then reply back here with the output of the second command. This will help us troubleshoot the problem.

