• 235 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Solving the time slice demo with NEMO(GLPK) is too slowSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hyungsik Choi 7/3/2020

    I noticed that solving the time slice demo with NEMO(GLPK) is too slow. In my PC, LEAP doesn't response in the end.
    Do you think that I can solve it with NEMO(LPK) If I have a high performance PC?
    or do you think it is better if I buy NEMO(CPLEX) solver?

    Best, hyungsik

  • Jason Veysey 7/8/2020
      Best Response

    Hi, Hyungsik -

    If you're finding the GLPK solver slow, I suggest giving Cbc a try (which you can do by changing Transformation\Electricity Generation:Optimize to "NEMO(Cbc)"). In our experience, Cbc is often faster than GLPK for models with storage. When I solve the time slice demo POLSTORE scenario with Cbc, it takes 4-5 minutes (as opposed to 11 minutes with GLPK).

    As a general matter, a faster computer is better for optimization modeling. However, for complicated models, the performance improvement from switching solvers is often greater than the improvement from upgrading hardware. LEAP and NEMO support several proprietary solvers (CPLEX, Gurobi, Mosek, and, coming soon, Xpress) that can offer orders-of-magnitude performance gains compared to Cbc and GLPK. If you plan on conducting a serious optimization modeling study, we suggest looking into acquiring one of these tools. If you're an academic user, note that you may be eligible for a free or discounted license. Check with the provider for licensing options.



  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 9/21/2020
      Best Response


    Hello Jason,
    What is the link to download the time slice demo dataset?
    Thank you very much.