• 64 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Updated stock rollover functionality in LEAP2020: how to call out retirements from prior years?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Sharad Bharadwaj 7/9/2020

    Hi all,

    Improved Stock-Turnover Modeling: LEAP's stock-turnover modeling for vehicles and appliances has been improved to allow sales to be specified as a function of past retirements. This can be important in constructing models that examine how an existing stock of devices might gradually be replaced by new more efficient or lower emitting devices

    I know the LEAP2020 includes an improved stock turnover functionality, but I am wondering if there are any details on how to include these changes? I am doing a top-down stock and sales analysis data, so I am inputting sales shares for a set of devices within a folder. What I'd like to do is set the total sales quantity to be a function of prior year retirements (for example at time t: sales_[t] = retirement_[t-1] + new-growth_[t]). The way I've got this currently working is by creating a user variable which tracks retirements across a folder, and manually iterating such that this user variable benchmarks to the internal LEAP calculations of retirements. Based on my read of the improved stock-turnover modeling, it sounds like this may not be necessary and it may be possible to perform this calculation endogenously, but I'm not sure how to do so.

    Thank you!