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    Topic: New LEAP YouTube ChannelSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Charlie Heaps 7/18/2020


    The new LEAP YouTube channel contains all the videos we've created about LEAP, including a brand new one about IBC: LEAP's Integrated Benefits Calculator module, which is used to calculate the health, ecosystem and climate impacts of scenarios. More videos coming soon!

    The channel also gives easy access to many other videos that users have created about LEAP. We'd love to see more of these. If you create your own YouTube videos about LEAP, please let us know at leap@sei.org and we'll link to them. Why not create a video showing how to use your favorite feature in LEAP, an interesting analysis you've created, or a LEAP-related seminar you've conducted or attended?

    The channel also links with other related channels such as those of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), and The NDC Partnership.

    Subscribe here to watch videos and be notified when new ones are posted.
