• 148 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Unconditional and Conditional target of NDC scenario developmentSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Kyawmoe Aung 7/26/2020

    Dear LEAP experts,

    I would like to develop a scenario for NDC target combining two scenarios called Unconditional (25 % of baseline will be reduced by 2030) and Conditional (Another 25% of Baseline will be reduced within the same period) in Energy and Forestry Sector. Would it be possible?
    Any suggestions or hints are much appreciated.
    Thank you.

  • Charlie Heaps 7/31/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Kyawmoe,

    Yes that is definitely possible with LEAP. You would probably need to create at least 3 scenarios in LEAP (Baseline, Unconditional, Conditional). Each could be based on the previous one. The two mitigation scenarios would need to have additional or more ambitious policies and measures to help them achieve those targets. LEAP can help you investigate how far you need to push those policies in order to meet those targets.



  • Ben Brida 5/10/2021
      Best Response

    Dear Kyawmoe

    In addition the what Charlie explained above, you have also be carefull the way model yourscenarios. You need to know if you planning a bottom-up approach or a top-down approach? Both approach can be implemented using LEAP. With the bottom-up approach you will be able to tell what the implementation of a particular set of measure will lead to, in terms of GHG mitigation outcomes. With a top-down approach which could be suitable when you don't have enough information on how activity level will change in particular sub-sector, you won'tbe able to tell this. My advice would be to combine the two for your analysis, exploring key subsectors using a bottom-up analysis when possible and using top-down for less important ones.
