• 137 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Cannot find Wind in Primary ResourceSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Grace Lam 7/26/2020

    Hi all,

    I am using the latest version of LEAP, and cannot find "Wind" in the Primary Resource Branch.
    Is it a common problem or it is only me? Anything I can do to add it back?

    I cannot click "+" and after right click on Primary resources, there is no option to add anything below it.

    thanks a lot!

  • Charlie Heaps 7/27/2020
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    Hi Grace,

    By design, LEAP does not let you manually add or remove branches under the high-level Resources, Statistical Differences and Stock Changes branches. The list of fuels under those high-level branches are maintained automatically based on the fuels you use within your Demand and Transformation branches.

    However, I have noticed a bug in LEAP2020 where the visible branches are not automatically refreshed in some cases (e.g. when adding a Transformation process). I am working on a fix for that now which will be in v2020.1.14. I hope to post that tonight my time. In the meantime, you can try to exit LEAP and restart it to force the tree to refresh (or open another area then return to your original area). Apologies for this problem and thanks for bringing it to my attention.



  • Charlie Heaps 7/28/2020
      Best Response

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    Hi again Grace - small delay - but hope to get this released by the end of the week.


  • Charlie Heaps 7/31/2020
      Best Response


    Hi again Grace - this issue should now be fixed in LEAP 2020.1.14.

    You can get it here: https://leap.sei.org/download

