• 171 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Summary View - errors always occurSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Grace Lam 8/1/2020

    1 Like

    Hi all,

    Has anyone experienced the same as I do in the Summary view? that errors always occur?
    I have also found out that the options and display are a bit different from the sample "Freedonia", so I wonder if it is due to the updated version of LEAP?
    Additionally, I cannot find where to display the NPV. Can anyone guide me to that?

    Thanks a lot!


  • Irene Papst 8/24/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Grace,

    I can only say, I also encountered this error message, while going through the exercises. Also, the summary view is notworking in exercise 4.4.

    Maybe some of the experiences people can help?

  • Charlie Heaps 9/3/2020
      Best Response

    This should now be fixed in v2020.1.18. Please let us know if not.
