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    Topic: ERROR: could not open NEMO database (database is locked)Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Erika Nogueira 8/18/2020

    I could not open NEMO database (with "Error: database is locked" message as the attached picture) when I tried to run NEMO(CPLEX) (CPLEX version 12.9). The same error occurs when I tried to run with NEMO(Cbc).
    Do you have any idea about this error?

    System Information:
    Version: 2020.1.0.14 (64-Bit)
    Dictionary Version: 459
    Program Folder: "C:\Program Files\LEAP\"
    Areas Folder: "C:\Users\erika\Documents\LEAP Areas\"
    Settings Folder: "C:\Users\erika\Documents\LEAP Areas\_Settings\"
    Instance: 1
    MapWinGIS Installed: No
    Registered for Automation: Yes
    TSC64 64-Bit DLL for Scripting: Yes (C:\Program Files\LEAP\tsc64.dll)
    GLPK: 4.65 (64-Bit)
    NEMO: Yes
    Julia: "C:\Users\erika\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia\Julia-1.4.0\bin\"
    Registered to: "erika@ppe.ufrj.br" until dezembro 16, 2022
    User Name: erika
    Current Area
    Area Name: AVINA Otimizado
    Base Year: 2013
    End Year: 2050
    First Scenario Year: 2014
    Scope: [Demand, Transform, Costs, Emissions]
    Scenarios: 1 (BAU)
    Time Slices: 365 (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, ...)
    Microsoft Windows
    Version: Windows 10 Home, 64 Bit
    Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
    Running as: Administrator
    BDE Installed: No
    Excel Installed: Yes
    Word Installed: Yes
    PowerPoint Installed: Yes
    Wine: No
    Screen Resolution: 1366 x 768 pixels
    Date Format: dd/mm/yyyy
    List Separator: ";"
    Decimal Separator: "."
    Thousands Separator: ","
    Internet Explorer: 11.1016
    Fonts: Small fonts (100% Scaling)
    Anti-Virus: Avast Antivirus (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: Avast Antivirus (Enabled, Up to date)
    Processor: Intel Core i7-3612QM CPU @ 2.10GHz
    Processor Speed: 2095 MHz
    Number of Processors: 8
    Total Memory: 7.86 GB
    Available Memory: 1.82 GB
    Disk Size: 445.81 GB
    Free Disk Space: 82.79 GB
    Connected to Internet: Yes

    Thank you very much!



    I needed to identify its location. At the operating system, I added the location of NEMO_2.sqlite to the environment variable PATH.


  • Jason Veysey 9/10/2020
      Best Response

    Hi, Erika -

    This is some good troubleshooting work! It's strange that you had to add to your PATH environment variable as LEAP should know where to search for the NEMO databases that it creates. It creates NEMO databases in the LEAP working directory, whose path is stored in LEAP's settings. In any event, I'm glad you were able to resolve the problem.

    Note that you may also get the error you saw in two other cases:

    1) LEAP crashed while it was calculating a scenario with NEMO. In this case, you can fix the problem by stopping the crashed LEAP process in Window's Task Manager. Or you can just reboot Windows.

    2) You open a NEMO database for a scenario in the LEAP working directory (using a SQLite client such as DB Browser for SQLite), then try to recalculate the scenario in LEAP. In this case, LEAP will attempt to overwrite the database and won't be able to. Once you close the database, LEAP should be able to proceed.

