• 224 views | 6 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Problem wth cost-benefit summary - Exercise 4.4Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Irene Papst 8/19/2020

    1 Like

    Dear community,

    I'm new to LEAP, working myself through the exercises.
    At exercise 4.4, the Summaries view with its built-in cost benefit summary is introduced.

    However, when I click on this summaries view, I don't see anything. What I find strange is that I don't have the header line (see left window in the screenshot below), where I should be able to select the comparison scenario as shown in the Freedonia dataset (right in the below screen shot).

    I followed all instructions in the exercise and compared my data set with the Freedonia set. Up to now, I could reproduce the data, but here I cannot help myself anymore.
    I also just updated LEAP to the latest version.
    I included my leap file of new Freedonia below.

    Thanks for your help,

  • San Agbayani 8/25/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Irene,

    I am also experiencing the same problem as well. Have you solved yours already?


  • Charlie Heaps 8/25/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Irene,

    Please send me the data set that exhibits this problem so i can take a look. Please send as a .leap file via dropbox or Google Drive and please send to leap@sei.org

    Thanks and sorry for the problems!


  • Irene Papst 9/2/2020
      Best Response

    Hi San,

    No, I sent my leap file to Charly, but did not get a reply just yet.

    Nice to know, I'm no not the only one!


  • Charlie Heaps 9/2/2020
      Best Response

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your patience. I'm looking into this and will get you a fix as soon as I can. Meantime, v2020.1.17 does fix a couple of other bugs.


  • Charlie Heaps 9/2/2020
      Best Response

    Hi again,

    This should now be fixed in 2020.1.18, just posted. You can download it here: https://leap.sei.org/download

