• 133 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Transport Technology (Stock Turnover Method) error - Exercise 6Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • San Agbayani 8/25/2020

    Dear all,

    I am getting an error in adding the Transport Technology branch while doing Exercise 6.
    Please find clipped image below.

    Thank you.

    Transport Error.PNG
  • Charlie Heaps 8/25/2020
      Best Response

    Thanks San - that is definitely a bug. I will try and get it fixed in next version. Meantime, sometimes you can work around that type of bug by exiting and then restarting LEAP.

    Apologies for the problems.


  • Charlie Heaps 9/2/2020
      Best Response

    Hi San,

    Thanks for your patience. This issue should now be fixed in 2020.1.17. Can you get it here: https://leap.sei.org/download
    and let me know if the fix works?
