• 95 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: The graph of power dispatched in 2040Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Yuxiang Wang 8/26/2020

    1 Like

    Dear all
    My name is Tianze, Sha, currently a postgraduate student at UCL.
    I am working on LEAP training exercise now and struggling with a graph on page 27 of exercise 1.4.3 (the last graph).
    It said that I can find the graph by opening the standard Freedonia area in LEAP then use Area: Revert to Version and select version 1.4.3. However, I did not see this graph.
    This one could be very helpful for my research, If you can give me some advice or tips I will be very thankful and grateful
    Thank you very much!

    power dispatched in 2040.png
  • Liya Cai 5/18/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Yuxiang,

    To obtain this graph, you can just select the result tab, and choose Process below Electricity of Transformation branch. Choose Power Generation in the pull-down list above the result graph, then choose All Time Slice below the gragh. Last, choose the Favorites tab at the top and then Power Dispatched. You can get this similar graph.

    Hope this helps,
