• 100 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Constraining renewable expansion by using resource yield variablesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hyungsik Choi 9/6/2020


    I am trying to constrain renewable energy expansion in a LEAP-NEMO optimization model by using the resource yield variable, especially for wind and solar.
    I read previous posts about it and I think I set up the model correctly.

    For example, I reduced wind resource yield to the level I want. In "Unmet requirements", I chose "RequirementUnment".
    When I run the model, resource indigenous production show the yield number(potential level) and resource import is gone.
    But wind energy production is not constrained by this annual yield I gave.

    You can check if this function works correctly in LEAP.
    Please, tell me the right way to do this.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Charlie Heaps 9/10/2020
      Best Response

    The resource availability values in LEAP do not constrain the operation of the optimization in a module. Optimization only works within a single module. The reserves and renewable yield values are compared against any requirements coming from the overall module. Any differences (shortfalls) will typically be met by imports.