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    Topic: Hydropower availabilitySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Eriko Shrestha 9/10/2020

    What's a good way of accounting for the difference in potential water availability in dry and wet seasons for hydropower projects?

    Hydropower availability differs widely between the dry season and the wet season. Hydropower capacity declines by roughly 1/3 during the dry season. I created two availability curves for large and medium hydropower projects by taking an average of large and medium hydropower. I consider large hydropower projects to be larger than 30 MW. Medium hydropower projects are between 10 and 30 MW. Once I enter the availability curves in the "Maximum Availability" tab, however, the I get diagnostic messages in the Results view saying that dispatch from historic electricity production by the hydropower projects exceed their rated availability.

  • Charlie Heaps 9/10/2020
      Best Response

    >>What's a good way of accounting for the difference in potential water availability in dry and wet seasons for hydropower projects?

    If you set up suitable time slices then yes, you can specify how hydro availability varies among seasons. For example if you have time slices grouped into two seasons (wet and dry) you could specify availability using a function like this:

    SeasonalGroupingValue(Wet, 47, Dry, 33)

    >>Once I enter the availability curves in the "Maximum Availability" tab, however, the I get diagnostic messages in the Results view saying that dispatch from historic electricity production by the hydropower projects exceed their rated availability.

    I think that is a separate but related issue. That is LEAP telling you that historical production (most likely in a base year) exceeds what could be produced based on the combination of your capacity data and your maximum availability.