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    Topic: Unable to download time slice demo datasetSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 10/1/2020


    Dear All,
    I was unable to download time slice demo dataset via Area | Install | Install form the internet. The error message is as shown in the figure. Is there any other way to download this dataset?
    Thank you very much.

  • Charlie Heaps 10/1/2020
      Best Response


    I just tested and it download OK for me. I think that you likely had some sort of internet connection issue (possibly a firewall). Could you try again from another location?

    Also, I will try to get it to you via email/dropbox. Stay tuned!

    NB: This data set is very slow at calculating when using GLPK or CBC as the solver. It really only works acceptably fast with one of the commercial solvers (eg CPLEX. GUROBI, MOSEK).



  • Diana Valdez Barboza 10/21/2020
      Best Response


    Hi Rahma,

    I believe that Charlie Heaps already give the link to "time slices demo" in this question https://leap.sei.org/default.asp?action=thread&tid=5799&fid=22

    Btw, this is the link to the "time slices demo"

    Hope this helps you!


  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 11/5/2020
      Best Response


    Dear Dr. Heaps,

    Thank you for the link of time slice demo.