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    Topic: LEAP not recognising NEMO installationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jonathan Aron 10/1/2020

    I have installed LEAP 32bit and NEMO from this page https://leap.sei.org/default.asp?action=download but when I check the available optimisation frameworks within LEAP it only has OSeMOSYS available, and the 'Get NEMO' link just takes me back to the webpage above. I have tried reinstalling LEAP and NEMO, and restarting my laptop, and have also tried the 64bit version of LEAP but this did not work either.
  • Jason Veysey 10/1/2020
      Best Response

    Hi, Jonathan -

    The NEMO installer program is only compatible with 64-bit Windows, so if you were trying to use it with 32-bit Windows, it wouldn't have worked. NEMO can be installed manually under 32-bit Windows, however - see here.

    For other tips on possible installation problems with LEAP and NEMO, please see our installation FAQs.

    In addition to what's stated in the FAQs, a good general piece of advice in a case like yours (multiple versions of LEAP installed) is to uninstall all copies/versions of LEAP, uninstall NEMO, reinstall LEAP (I would advise LEAP 64-bit), and reinstall NEMO.

    Please let us know if these steps address the problem you're encountering.



  • Jonathan Aron 10/1/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for the swift reply.

    Sorry I wasn't clear in my original post: I'm using Windows 10 64bit. My colleague is using the same OS and laptop and hasn't had any issues with NEMO (using LEAP 32 bit), so it doesn't appear to be related to my OS or hardware. I have looked at all the documentation I could find and couldn't see any reference to LEAP not recognising NEMO, apart from saying that it should work automatically. I have only had one LEAP version installed at a time, and have tried uninstalling both LEAP and NEMO and then reinstalling LEAP then NEMO but keep getting the same result.


  • Jason Veysey 10/9/2020
      Best Response

    Hi, Jonathan -

    Is the user you used to install LEAP and NEMO the same one you're using when running them? If not, the problem may be that your user doesn't have permission to see NEMO's registry settings. LEAP checks these settings to determine if NEMO is installed.

    We advise that you install and use LEAP and NEMO under one Windows user with administrator rights. Other configurations are possible but can get complicated.



  • Jonathan Aron 10/14/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Jason, that appears to have worked. Thanks very much!
  • Jason Veysey 10/14/2020
      Best Response

    Excellent, glad to hear it!