• 75 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Marginal Abatement CostSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Anjana Das 10/2/2020

    Dear Charlie and Sylvia

    I tried a
    small model with 3 demand side measures (constructing 3 scenarios: COK (cooking
    stove efficiency improvement), EFF (Lighting efficiency improvement), FRI (refrigerator
    efficiency improvement)) to understand MAC and MACC calculation in LEAP using
    different approach. With Partial approach it is working fine (I verified with
    Excel calculation and I enclosed here the screen shot). However, Retrospective System Analysis approach, it seems I am not getting it correctly, may be I am making mistake in setting the Manage Summaries or
    defining scenarios to be included. If you could kindly help me on this. I
    enclose here the results I am getting under this approach (why there is Current
    Account, while it needs to be compared with REF scenario). I also enclose the
    screen shots of the Manage summaries and
    also scenarios to be included, in case there is any mistake in defining them.

    I also enclosed the screen shots in a file if they are not visible here

    Many thanks

    Best regards




    Attachments:  MACC.pdf [3]