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    Topic: NEMO Algebraic ExpressionsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Vichet Keo 10/13/2020

    Since NEMO has been created using OSeMOSYS as a starting point, I am wondering whether the algebraic formulations in NEMO are 100% the same ones in OSeMOSYS. If it is not the same, is there any documents explaining about NEMO's mathematical/statistical expressions? Thank you.

    Best regards,

  • Jason Veysey 10/14/2020
      Best Response


    Dear Vichet,

    Thank you for your interest in NEMO. Since NEMO has now diverged quite a bit from OSeMOSYS, its mathematical model differs from OSeMOSYS's. We don't yet have the mathematical model for NEMO written up in a compact format, but we're working on it and plan to add it to the NEMO documentation when it's ready. In the meantime, I'd suggest looking at the source code for NEMO's calculatescenario_main function. This function constructs the optimization model (i.e., a programmatic representation of the mathematical model) for NEMO each time NEMO is run. As you'll see, the optimization model is built with the Julia JuMP toolkit. JuMP allows model construction through calling the @variable, @constraint, and @objective macros, which in turn create the model's endogenous variables, constraints, and objective. With these basic building blocks, you can infer the mathematical model.

    Note that the optimization and mathematical models vary depending on user inputs; this is also shown in calculatescenario_main.

    I hope this information is helpful.



  • Vichet Keo 10/19/2020
      Best Response

    Dear Jason,

    Thank you so much for your response. This helps me a lot in identifying any functions in NEMO.

    Best regards,