• 181 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: CPLEX error - could not load library %27c:\NemoMod\cplex.dll%27Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jonathan Aron 10/28/2020


    I have tried to run a model using cplex (the same model works for my colleague), but I receive the following error message after all the constraints have been created:
    2020-28-Oct 11:54:42.470 Defined model objective.
    NEMO encountered an error with the following message: could not load library "c:\NemoMod\cplex.dll"
    The specified module could not be found. .

    My system info is below. I installed LEAP and NEMO, and am running LEAP as admin user on my laptop. I did have some issues installing NEMO before so I wonder whether there could be a conflict arising somewhere.

    Update: I have tried running the optimization exercise with NEMO using another solver (i.e. not CPLEX) and it works fine. I also tried with osemosys(CPLEX) and it worked fine. The only one that appears not to work is NEMO(CPLEX).

    Further update. I tried reinstalling NEMO while having CPLEX already installed and that appears to have fixed the issue.


    System Information
    Version: 2020.1.0.19 (32-Bit)
    Dictionary Version: 461
    Program Folder: "C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAP\"
    Areas Folder: "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\LEAP Areas\"
    Settings Folder: "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\LEAP Areas\_Settings\"
    Instance: 1
    MapWinGIS Installed: No
    Registered for Automation: Yes
    GLPK: 4.65 (64-Bit)
    NEMO: Yes
    Julia: "C:\ProgramData\Julia\Julia-1.4.0\bin\"
    Registered to: "jonathan.aron@vivideconomics.com" until December 1, 2020
    User Name: Admin
    Current Area
    Area Name: 2050_baseline
    Base Year: 2006
    End Year: 2050
    First Scenario Year: 2014
    Scope: [Demand, Transform, Costs, Emissions]
    Scenarios: 78 (BAS, PLAN, NDC, RSA, POT, OTH, COM, NET, EFF, ...)
    Time Slices: 576 (January Weekday Hour 1, January Weekday Hour 2, January Weekday Hour 3, ...)
    User Variables: 35 (Historical Consumption, Unit Emissions, Pct MSW Open Burned at SWDS, Accumulated DDOCm, Amount Deposited, !Full Load Hours, ...)
    Microsoft Windows
    Version: Windows 10 Enterprise, 64 Bit
    Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
    Running as: Administrator
    BDE Installed: No
    Excel Installed: Yes
    Word Installed: Yes
    PowerPoint Installed: Yes
    Wine: No
    Screen Resolution: 2560 x 720 pixels
    Date Format: dd/mm/yyyy
    List Separator: ","
    Decimal Separator: "."
    Thousands Separator: ","
    Internet Explorer: 11.572
    Fonts: Small fonts (100% Scaling)
    Anti-Virus: Norton Security (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: Windows Defender (Enabled, Up to date)
    Firewall: Norton Security (Enabled)
    PC Name:
    Processor: Intel Core i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
    Processor Speed: 1800 MHz
    Number of Processors: 8
    Total Memory: 7.86 GB
    Available Memory: 1.25 GB
    Disk Size: 236.70 GB
    Free Disk Space: 38.92 GB
    Connected to Internet: Yes

  • Jason Veysey 11/6/2020
      Best Response

    Hi, Jonathan -

    If you're now running LEAP as an admin user, I would just reinstall NEMO while logged into Windows as that user. There's no need to uninstall NEMO first. That should fix this problem, which appears to be due to the original issues you had installing NEMO.

