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    Topic: CPLEX Error 1001: Out of memory.Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Josh Cowley 10/30/2020

    1 Like


    I am running into an error when running certain scenarios in LEAP. I've attached the debug file, do you have any recommendations for avoiding this error? this only occurs with some scenarios, the baseline and other scenarios appear to be running as expected.


    Attachments:  LEAPDebug.pdf [5]
  • Charlie Heaps 2/18/2021
      Best Response


    Hi Josh - this error is most likely just telling you that CPLEX ran out of memory. There's not much you can do about that short of buying more RAM for your PC.

    But I would suggest starting by making a smaller problem to solve and then work your way up until the system crashes. That way you can find out where you stand. To make a smaller model, trying some of the following: choose an earlier end year, or reduce the number of time slices in your model. You can also reduce other dimensions such as the number of regions or the number processes, but this take a bit more work.

    BTW - when reporting errors, it is always good to note your system specs (e.g. which version of Windows, LEAP, NEMO, etc. and how much RAM you have). You can get all that info in one handy place on the LEAP Help: About screen.

  • Jason Veysey 4/13/2021
      Best Response

    Hi, Josh -

    One more thing to try - as of NEMO 1.4 and LEAP 2020.1.29, you can run optimization models for selected future years only. This can radically reduce memory requirements and calculation time. To use this feature, go to Settings -> Years, and change Results Every to something other than 1. This will tell LEAP and NEMO to calculate every x years, where x is what you specify for Results Every.