• 63 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Regarding the transformation section of Exercise 1Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Sakina Bookwala 11/6/2020

    Hello, I am trying to change the processes I have added under transformation to "merit-order-dispatch" from percent share as it is shown at 50 minutes of the 1st exercise LEAP training video. However, I am unable to view those several tabs, nor can I see the function of merit order dispatch. Do let me know what to do! I will attach the picture and the screenshot of the exercise for your reference.

    This is how it appears for me:

    How it should look like as per the video is attached as a pdf.

    Attachments:  WhatsApp Image 2020-11-06 at 09.24.30.pdf [3]
  • Charlie Heaps 11/6/2020
      Best Response

    Edit the properties of the Electricity Generation module. Make sure you check the box to include capacity data and a system load curve. Without those options LEAP only uses a limited set of tabs fir each process.