• 131 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Inserting range of values instead of for base yearSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Pravesh Raghoo 11/8/2020

    Hey LEAP Community,

    Is it possible that I ensure a range of values instead for only the base year? I have values for Energy Consumption for the last 10 years and I would like to input all those values instead of just for the base year.


  • Charlie Heaps 11/9/2020
      Best Response

    >>Is it possible that I ensure a range of values instead for only the base year? I have values for Energy Consumption for the last 10 years and I would like to input all those values instead of just for the base year.

    Hi Pravesh,

    Yes. In the General: Settings: Years screen specify that the Base Year and First Scenario Year are more than one year apart. Back in Analysis View, you can then use Interp or other time-series functions to specify time series data in your Current Accounts data. Each scenario will then start from the First Scenario Year and run until then end year.

    Hope this helps!


  • Pravesh Raghoo 11/9/2020
      Best Response

    Thank you Charles