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    Topic: hydrogen production and interactions with other modules in transformationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hyungsik Choi 11/19/2020

    1 Like


    I'd like to add hydrogen production in the transformation branch which uses electricity generated in the module itself. It is so-called green hydrogen by electrolysis.
    But I found that hydrogen produced by electrolysis made conflicts with fuel cells in the electricity generation which uses hydrogen.
    It seems like there is no iterations in LEAP in such a case.
    What should I do in this case? Generally, I want to model green hydrogen production and its uses in fuel cells.

    In my mode, it is only possible to provide green hydrogen to industry and transportation sector.
    What do you suggest in this case?

    Best regards, hyungsik

  • Charlie Heaps 2/18/2021
      Best Response

    I would recommend having a hydrogen production module arranged above your electricity generation module. The H2 module would take electricity and produce hydrogen. You would then need to have demands for hydrogen (i.e. in the fuel cells) somewhere in your demand model. I think this configuration will not require any iterative calculations. Although this also is possible but more complex. For more info see this page.
  • Hyungsik Choi 2/18/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks for your reply. Your suggestion is an easy solution for hydrogen use modeling in LEAP.

    But, In my case, I want to see how hydrogen produced using domestic electricity is again used in power generation. And I want to see how this affect the whole power system configuration, considering other competing power technology and electricity demand. The iteration method is one way, but I am not sure how it can work in my case. Because it is different from the example you shared with.