• 63 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: endogenous capacity additions 1000x too largeSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Robert Brecha 11/27/2020

    I've had an issue with endogenous capacity additions that I don't understand.
    1) system has electricity demand, exogenous capacity additions, and then as a "backup" I want to allow endogenous additions. For simplicity, there are dispatchable sources and then wind and solar pv as non-dispatchable.
    2) two scenarios - first with a dispatchable source as the potential endogenous capacity; works fine and as expected
    3) second - only non-dispatchable RE sources - additions show 1000x more than should be added. Note: capacities here are in kW, and all of the exogenous and endogenous values are correct in scale, i.e. if I want to add 5MW, then 5000 is entered. Output tends to show 5,000,000 kW or more being added, in a system with a peak demand of ~50MW. Production is, e.g. 450000 GWh instead of 450 GWh. I've also changed all of the inputs to MW
    4) allowing a dispatchable renewable source to be part of the endogenous options, everything works fine.
    5) Another point - if I just choose to determine the planning reserve margin from the default (in "Properties" ) whether using 30% or, e.g. 10%, the endogenous additions simply quit altogether. Maybe I'm not understanding that interaction, but according to "Endogenous Capacity" it should still be looking to keep the margin at 10% or 30% as previously.
    6) More generally, I thought the capacity credit would play a role (before trying the planning reserve margin change), with the (actual) low capacity credit of VRE perhaps leading to the high over-build; it shouldn't be a factor of 1000x or more, however.
    Any ideas?

  • Charlie Heaps 2/4/2021
      Best Response

    Could you narrow this down for me Bob?

    Can you send me a simple .leap data set that exhibits the problem you have seen with additions being out by a factor of 1000? Usually best to send files as a dropbox link or similar in case attachments too large. Please send to leap@sei.org.

