• 121 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: I have the potential to extract natural gas but LEAP doesn´t show it in results view.Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jordan Johnson 11/28/2020

    I am carrying out an energy model of the hydrocarbon sector in Mexico.
    Specifically crude refining and gas processing. Regarding the natural gas process, I have created a new fuel called "Dry Gas" that represents processed natural gas and I have left the natural gas fuel for that which is extracted as a primary resource.
    My problem is that, as I show in image 1, I have entered the data on the reserves that Mexico had in the base year 2013 and apparently they are greater than those of crude oil, however when I go to the results part, LEAP models the historical years and takes the prospective years as if it did not produce any natural gas, which is why it considers that natural gas is no longer processed and dry gas is imported in its entirety.
    What can I do to get LEAP to take natural gas from my reserves and send it to gas processing?

    Thanks for your support. Greetings from Mexico.

  • Charlie Heaps 2/18/2021
      Best Response

    Sounds like you need to create a Transformation module that takes natural gas as a feedstock fuel and then produces "dry gas" as a product (output fuel). From how you describe the situation, "dry gas" should be marked on the General: Fuels screen as a "secondary fuel", not as a "fossil resource". You should not need to enter reserves for "dry gas" if it is produced within the country from natural gas.