• 83 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Trade between interconnected regions and Emission constraintsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Lorenzo Sani 12/2/2020


    I am a researcher from KTH (Sweden) working on a multi-region optimisation model of the
    Indonesian power sector and I would like to ask you how I could apply to my
    model two features I am interested in:

    1 – How could I model the grid interconnection between two
    separate regions? I would like to allow limited import/export of electricity
    between two regions that are connected only by one High Voltage Link. Additionally, I would like to simulate a scenario where this link does not exist in the base year and is built a few years into the modelling scenario.

    2 – Is it possible to set emission constraints at the
    national level and then let the optimization software calculate the optimum
    emission reduction in the separate regions? So far I managed to set
    region-level emission constraints but I would like to set a national limit and
    let the regions free to “set” their own limit. How could I do it?

    I'm looking forward to your reply

    Thanks in advance,
    Lorenzo Sani