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    Topic: Excel ImportSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jan Abrell 12/3/2020


    I try to import data for
    scenarios from excel. For this I tested the procedure provided in the
    respective video on youtube. More specifically, I choose the processes branch under
    transformation/electricity and export the process share variable using
    "Analysis/export to excel". When I try to directly import the same
    data form the workbook created and opened by the export procedure, I get the following
    error message:

    The error occurs under windows 10 and no other Excel-book open. I tried it on two different computer with Office 365 and 2019.

    I would appreciate any suggestion!

  • Charlie Heaps 2/18/2021
      Best Response

    I have seen this issue when LEAP tries to import values from blank cells. I am working on making LEAP more robust in these situations so this should be fixed in an upcoming update. meantime, check to see if the cells you are trying to import contain blanks (not zeros).