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    Topic: EXAMPLES OF NEMO OPTIMIZATIONSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rodelio Padrique 12/19/2020

    1 Like

    I have tried to use NEMO optimization in LEAP but it really didn't work out well.

    I'm now trying to understand how to use NEMO at Julia Command Line. I have followed NEMO installation in Julia based on the instructions shown here:


    This is very promising considering the speed plus the capability of incorporating the ramp rates in the model. But there is no clear example on how to create a new file and how to view the results, especially for those who are not well-versed in sqlite.

    Thus, I would like to ask if there are more detailed examples and user guides in using NEMO with step-by-step examples for creating specific model/scenario, especially in creating input files and data and viewing the results.

    Thank you.

  • Jason Veysey 2/24/2021
      Best Response


    Dear Rodelio,

    Thanks for your question. I'm sorry you weren't able to use NEMO with LEAP. If you can provide more information on what went wrong, perhaps we can help troubleshoot. Please note that we've just released new versions of LEAP and NEMO that include a number of enhancements. They may rectify the problems you encountered.

    As for working with NEMO at a command line, unfortunately we don't have any step-by-step examples right now. That is something we will work on. Here are a few tips to get you started, though.

    1) I'd suggest installing DB Browser for SQLite (https://sqlitebrowser.org/) as a client to work with NEMO's SQLite databases. It will give you an interface for loading and querying data.

    2) To create an empty NEMO scenario database in SQLite, use NEMO's createnemodb function (https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/stable/functions/#createnemodb).

    3) For some examples of NEMO scenario databases, look in the test directory for the NEMO package. There are instructions for locating this directory in the NEMO documentation on scenario databases (https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/stable/scenario_db/).

    4) When you calculate a scenario, NEMO saves results in the scenario's SQLite database. You can then visualize the results using any tool that connects to SQLite (e.g., Tableau or charting packages in Julia). Alternatively, you can export results from the database to Excel (use DB Browser for SQLite to do this) and analyze them there.

    I hope this information helps! Please let us know if you have further questions.
  • Rodelio Padrique 6/9/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Jason,

    Sorry for late reply. I have already installed DB Browser. I'm currently studying on how go around with it. I hope you can give me the interface for loading an querying data.

    I'll let you know my progress on this and I'll try your suggestion in creating an empty scenario dbase.

    Thank you for the suggestions. Such a big help.