• 60 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Shared Workspace for a LEAP modelSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Gregers Larsen 12/22/2020

    Hello LEAP team!

    For the first time I have tried the "Shared Folder" Options in Settings -> Folders. I am not sure I quite understand it correctly. It seems to just add a shortcut folder to import .leap files, but changes are not made to that folder.

    I am trying to share model work with colleagues through a Dropbox-esque service, that syncs files automatically as they are changed/added/removed. Can I place my model there, so my colleagues and I always will have access to the newest changes when we open LEAP on each our own PCs?

    EDIT: After looking at it in Settings for a bit, I guess I can set my LEAP software to pull Areas from a shared folder instead of Documents/LEAP Areas? Then changes will be saved to that folder, but how does LEAP then import changes? Does it read the LEAP Areas/[model] folder on startup or how does it function?
