• 184 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: NEMO optimization errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Satria Kanugrahan 2/5/2021

    I got error with this message (picture attached), on the OPdebug this is what came up:

    2021-04-Feb 23:32:23.292 Started scenario calculation.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:23.293 Validated run-time arguments.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:23.295 0 specified for numprocs argument. Using 4 processes for parallelized operations.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:25.187 Loaded NEMO on parallel processes 1, 2, 3, 4.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:25.196 Connected to scenario database. Path = C:\Users\satri\OneDrive\DOCUME~1\LEAPAR~1\_SETTI~1\_Work\0\NEMO_4~1.SQL.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:25.211 Upgraded database to version 5.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:25.213 Dropped pre-existing result tables from database.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:25.213 Verified that transmission modeling is not enabled.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:31.319 Created parameter views and indices.
    2021-04-Feb 23:32:31.323 Created temporary tables.
    2021-04-Feb 23:37:46.954 Executed core database queries.
    2021-04-Feb 23:37:47.091 Defined dimensions.
    2021-04-Feb 23:37:49.670 Defined demand variables.
    2021-04-Feb 23:37:49.674 Defined storage variables.
    2021-04-Feb 23:37:49.675 Defined capacity variables.
    2021-05-Feb 00:08:07.648 Defined activity variables.
    2021-05-Feb 00:08:07.937 Defined costing variables.
    2021-05-Feb 00:08:08.102 Defined reserve margin variables.
    2021-05-Feb 00:08:08.102 Defined renewable energy target variables.
    2021-05-Feb 00:08:08.103 Defined emissions variables.
    From worker 4: LLVM ERROR: out of memory
    From worker 4:
    From worker 4: signal (22): SIGABRT
    From worker 4: in expression starting at none:0
    From worker 3: LLVM ERROR: out of memory
    From worker 3:
    From worker 3: signal (22): SIGABRT
    From worker 3: in expression starting at none:0
    NEMO encountered an error with the following message: TaskFailedException:
    [1] try_yieldto(::typeof(Base.ensure_rescheduled), ::Base.RefValue{Task}) at .\task.jl:654
    [2] wait() at .\task.jl:710
    [3] wait(::Base.GenericCondition{ReentrantLock}) at .\condition.jl:106
    [4] take_buffered(::Channel{Any}) at .\channels.jl:389
    [5] take!(::Channel{Any}) at .\channels.jl:383
    [6] take!(::Distributed.RemoteValue) at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Distributed\src\remotecall.jl:595
    [7] remotecall_fetch(::Function, ::Distributed.Worker, ::DataFrames.DataFrame, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N; kwargs::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}) at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Distributed\src\remotecall.jl:386
    [8] remotecall_fetch(::Function, ::Distributed.Worker, ::DataFrames.DataFrame, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N) at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Distributed\src\remotecall.jl:382
    [9] remotecall_fetch(::Function, ::Int64, ::DataFrames.DataFrame, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N; kwargs::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}) at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Distributed\src\remotecall.jl:417
    [10] remotecall_fetch at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Distributed\src\remotecall.jl:417 [inlined]
    [11] macro expansion at C:\Users\Jason\.julia\packages\NemoMod\hqgv1\src\nemo_functions.jl:279 [inlined]
    [12] (::NemoMod.var"#7#8"{DataFrames.DataFrame,Int64,Array{Int64,1},Int64,Tuple{Int64,Int64},Array{Array{Dict{Array{String,1},Set{String}},1},1},Int64})() at .\task.jl:358

    ...and 1 more exception(s).
    To report this issue to the NEMO team, please submit an error report at https://leap.sei.org/support/. Please include in the report a list of steps to reproduce the error and the error message. Press Enter to continue.
    nothing From worker 4: crt_sig_handler at /cygdrive/d/buildbot/worker/package_win64/build/src\signals-win.c:92

    From worker 4: raise at C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: abort at C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZN4llvm22report_bad_alloc_errorEPKcb at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZL25out_of_memory_new_handlerv at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: Znwy at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\libstdc++-6.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZNSt6vectorIN4llvm19DWARFDebugInfoEntryESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_insertIJRKS1_EEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EEDpOT_ at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZNK4llvm9DWARFUnit19extractDIEsToVectorEbbRSt6vectorINS_19DWARFDebugInfoEntryESaIS2_EE.part.443 at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZN4llvm9DWARFUnit19extractDIEsIfNeededEb.part.493 at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZN4llvm9DWARFUnit23getSubroutineForAddressEy at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZN4llvm9DWARFUnit25getInlinedChainForAddressEyRNS_15SmallVectorImplINS_8DWARFDieEEE at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: _ZN4llvm12DWARFContext25getInliningInfoForAddressEyNS_19DILineInfoSpecifierE at C:\PROGRA~3\Julia\JULIA-~1.0\bin\LLVM.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 4: LLVM ERROR: out of memory
    From worker 3: crt_sig_handler at /cygdrive/d/buildbot/worker/package_win64/build/src\signals-win.c:92
    From worker 3: raise at C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 3: abort at C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll (unknown line)
    From worker 3: LLVM ERROR: out of memory

    any help???

    Screenshot 2021-02-06 100259.jpg
  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2021
      Best Response

    The debug messages indicate that your PC ran out of memory.
  • Satria Kanugrahan 2/8/2021
      Best Response

    Thank you for your swift response Sir,

    What's the minimum memory that I should have to run this scenario?

  • Charlie Heaps 2/8/2021
      Best Response

    The memory required depends on the model size you created. I would recommend having at least 4 GB RAM. Suggest you look at the MOSEK documentation for more guidance.