• 134 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Global Warming Potential results levelsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Joe Mallinson 4/8/2021

    Hi there,

    Below is an screenshot of the environmental results from a reference scenario. I am trying to view the breakdown of GHG emissions per feedstock fuel (as per the branch on the left), but any level I select just shows total aggregate emissions from the power sector. I am also unable to change the type of graph/chart on the left.

    Please let me know if I am misunderstanding/you require more information.

    Many thanks

  • Charlie Heaps 4/8/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Joe

    Two things to try:

    1. Set levels down to one while processes is selected in the tree
    2. Chose fuels instead of branches in the selection box above the legend on the right of the screen.
  • Joe Mallinson 4/8/2021
      Best Response

    Dear Charles, thank you very much for your response.

    As a quick follow-up question, is it possible to create different scenarios and investigate the subsequent change in CO2 emissions without using TED input data? Without TED, I am only able to see emissions expressed in 'CO2 equivalent', measured using other units like GJ etc. Does LEAP have in-built emissions factors that yield environmental results without TED?

    Many thanks

  • Charlie Heaps 4/9/2021
      Best Response

    Yes. You can either get emission factors from TED or enter your own.

    This is separate from the question of CO2e v CO2. LEAP can show emission results either in physical units (e.g. tonnes of CO2, CH4, N2O, PM2.5, etc) or you can show the overall global warming potential across gases (CO2e). The General: Effects screen is where you can review the GWP values for each pollutant. You can choose different sets of GWP values corresponding to the IPCC's 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th assessment reports. There's a button on the effects screen to choose among these.