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    Topic: No energy storage/generation though energy storage is dispatched in scenarioSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Valentine Wambui 4/12/2021


    Energy storage has been dispatched in scenario with storage. There is no generation from the energy storage in spite of mother scenario having curtailed energy production.

    Any pointers on hoe to resolve this are appreciated.

  • Charlie Heaps 4/13/2021
      Best Response

    Bear in mind that energy storage systems do not give you any net annual generation. They only give you power at particular times of a year, which is offset by the times when they are being recharged. In annual energy terms, any storage system with an efficiency less than 100% LOSES energy.
  • Jason Veysey 4/13/2021
      Best Response

    1 Like

    One other tip here. While it's true that by default storage can't provide any net annual generation, as of LEAP 2020.1.30, you can change this behavior with LEAP's new Storage Carryover variables. These are available for storage processes in Current Accounts. There are three - Annual Storage Carryover, Seasonal Storage Carryover, and Daily Storage Carryover - and each controls whether a storage process can supply net generation over the designated interval (the meaning of the seasonal and daily intervals depends on how you've configured your time slices). If you set all three to 'Yes', a storage process can provide net generation over the course of a year - that is, move energy from one year to another.
  • Charlie Heaps 4/13/2021
      Best Response

    Good point Jason - I should perhaps have written “no net generation”, not “no net annual generation”.

    The overriding point is that storage does not generate energy, it just shifts it from one period to another.
  • Valentine Wambui 4/13/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks Charlie and Jason for the tips.

    Time slice demo shows energy discharge(generation) and charging of energy storage for the different time slices.

    I do have curtailed energy production in mother scenario but don't see the storage picking up the excess energy generated. Also cannot see the tabs for seasonal , daily or annual carryover. I can see the tabs in time slice demo though.

    Will recheck maximum availability shape of my resource.
  • Valentine Wambui 4/14/2021
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hey ,

    I have been able to see storage generation/charging after downloading the latest NEMO version.

  • Jason Veysey 4/14/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks for confirming, Valentine!