• 89 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Optimization v/s Non-optimizedSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Pravesh Raghoo 4/13/2021

    I got an "awkward" result for one of my simulations and I cannot think of a possible explanation why. I am reaching out to see if I can get an answer here.
    I run a couple of simulation on LEAP, and then I repeated the same simulations with LEAP-OSeMOSYS (optimized). I was hoping that with LEAP I will get investment costs results higher than when using LEAP-OSeMOSYS because the latter produced optimized results, but the contrary happened. With optimized LEAP-OSeMOSYS, I got more investment costs and with LEAP I got lower cost figures. Can anyone here gave me an explanation for this?

  • Valentine Wambui 4/13/2021
      Best Response


    In the unoptimized version- do check if you had any unmet energy requirements - this would make the model cheaper if this was corrected in the optimized version

  • Jason Veysey 4/13/2021
      Best Response

    Good thought, Valentine. I'd also check whether there are any minimum capacity or minimum capacity addition constraints in the optimized scenario that might be forcing the model to add more capacity than needed.

    By the way, if you're working with optimization, we strongly recommend using NEMO, which you can download on the LEAP website (https://leap.sei.org/download/). It's faster and more powerful than OSeMOSYS - e.g., with NEMO you can model energy storage, use a wider range of solvers (including the Cbc open-source solver, which is faster than GLPK), and calculate selected years only. To select NEMO for a scenario, choose it in the optimized transformation module's Optimize variable.