• 147 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to share LEAP Project?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ab Wahed 4/13/2021

    My colleague developed a LEAP model and shared it with me. But when I try to open the file it asks for many passwords. My colleague confirmed me that he did not provide any password. How can I really open the file and work on it? I will highly appreciate your kind support in this regard.
  • Charlie Heaps 4/13/2021
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    This happens when opening a “.leap” file made in the latest versions of LEAP on a computer using an older version of LEAP. Please update to the latest version of LEAP and you should then be OK.
  • Pinto Anugrah 4/19/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks Charlie, I was experiencing the same problem too. After updating to the latest version of LEAP, the 'password' is gone.