• 106 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: LEAP can only link saved Excel spreadsheetsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Flady Cordero 4/16/2021


    I am trying to create a link to Excel, from the video included below, and it produces the following error:


  • Charlie Heaps 4/19/2021
      Best Response

    1 Like

    That message is supposed to ne shown when you are trying to link a LEAP expression to cells in a spreadsheet that has not yet been saved. Once the spreadsheet has been saved for the first time it should be possible to link to it.

    This message is intentional, but if you think it is happening in error, I would recommend fully shutting down Excel and LEAP and then trying again. Note that Excel sometimes leaves "phantom" hidden instances in memory so make sure it is fully shut down.

  • Flady Cordero 4/19/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks for the recommendation!

    I have seen the tutorial (video) again and followed the indicated steps ..., in the end I moved the Excel to the desktop and proceeded to make the copy of the link, in the end I got the following message:

    In the end I have manually edited the second variable (Year and Cmer) and added the LinForest function (Instead of Interp).

    Did I miss any step that the function (interp) does not come out automatically? and I do not understand the function decreases in the first year and then it grows?