• 41 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Referencing results in optimizationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Marek Fritz 4/19/2021

    Hello everyone,

    I am asking for some advice on how NEMO deals with references to results.
    When I reference a result (using "prevyearvalue") in a cost variable, the value is shown correctly in the results screen.
    However, it seems like in the optimization calculations the cost variable is not calculated properly, since I am getting a suboptimal result.

    For further clarification:
    The "variable OM cost" are set to
    If( PrevYearValue(Capacity[GW]) < 5; 0; 100)

    Although the "variable OM cost" are very high, once the capacity exceeds 5 GW, way more than 5 GW of the process will be built. In consequence, overall costs are much higher than in a copy of the scenario, in which "variable OM cost" are set to 100 from the start.

    Is it possible to reference results in optimization-relevant parameters or should I avoid doing so?
    And could you maybe think of a workaround to model similar references?

    Your answer would be very helpful to improve the understanding of the way LEAP and NEMO are combined.
    Thank you very much in advance,
