• 78 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Warning pops up when trying to view resultsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ahmed Alaadin 4/19/2021

    Dear LEAP Support
    When I was trying to view results after doing the last update of LEAP the warning below pops up although in the previous version there was no such warning.
    Also this is a screen shot of the percent share which is supposed to have values in 2015. Can you help me out please?
  • Charlie Heaps 4/19/2021
      Best Response

    This is a new warning message introduced in LEAP 2020.1.24. You can choose to ignore it (Click "Don't show again" and then "No). However, from your screenshot it looks like it IS telling you something useful! I see that in your Current Accounts data set, all the process shares seem to be zero. Is that what you intended? NB: check the Current Accounts expressions. Not just the scenario expressions.
  • Ahmed Alaadin 4/19/2021
      Best Response

    Dear Charles:
    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes my data is Zero for years 2014 & 2015. Does that warning mean that It is zero? Because when I added the year 2015 with value zero this warning still appeared. Thank you very much.