• 57 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Import to meet shortfall While using optimizationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ahmed Alaadin 4/19/2021

    Dear LEAP Support

    When running optimization scenarios the following error appears telling me that i cannot use "Import to meet shortfall" in optimization scenarios.
    Knowing that when I turn it to Requirements remain unmet, the results vary a lot (from when setting optimize to "No" and leaving it ImportToMeetShortfall)
    The error:
    The following are the different results that appear comparing :
    1st the optimizing with "requirements remain unmet"
    2nd the results with no optimizing and "ImportToMeetShortFall"
    3rd the results of an old run with the correct results I want now.

    Also the same thing happens in another variable "outputs by feedstock fuel " When running optimizing the years from 2042 to 2050 don't appear. The following are pictures comparing :
    1st the optimizing with "requirements remain unmet"
    2nd the results with no optimizing and "ImportToMeetShortFall"
    3rd the results of an old run with the correct results I want now.

    Can you please help me out?
    Thanks in advance.