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    Topic: Fix the chart setting when exporting result figuresSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hyungsik Choi 4/22/2021

    Dear All

    I wonder if the chart setting can be fixed once and can be reused whenever I export result figures.
    Because I have to change the chart setting such as font size, axis margins etc, every time I export result figures.
    If I can fix the setting once and can use it again, it will be very convenient.
    Please, tell me how I can produce nice figures effectively.

    Best, hyungsik

  • Charlie Heaps 4/28/2021
      Best Response

    When you copy, save or export a chart to PowerPoint, you will first be shown the chart export screen. From there you can adjust various common chart settings and those settings will be remembered between exports.

    Some of the more detailed chart setting may need to be tweaked each time you export though. I am planning on improving this feature so it remembers more settings in future. One tip: for better looking exported charts I suggest setting the print resolution to "High".
