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    Topic: Stock Turn OverSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Amanda Ngwenya 4/22/2021

    Good day team

    I am conducting stock turn-over method for my road transportation sector and have used 'vehicle survival' for my degradation profiles. when running the results, the systems is giving me the following error (see attached). But it doesn't make sense to me that the stock should be zero because I have vehicles in the system. Am I missing something here?

    Stock Vintage profile.png
  • Charlie Heaps 4/28/2021
      Best Response

    This doesn't mean that total on-road stocks are zero in the base year. The stock vintage profile is used to allocate the total first years stocks among all the vintages of vehicles on the road in the first year: i.e. 1,2,3,4,5...N year-old vehicles. In other words it is use to initialize the vintage data for the first year of the calculations.

    Any sales in the base year are specified in the sales data for that year, so for that reason the stock profile requires a zero value for new (i.e. 0-year-old cars). Hence the message. A stock vintage profile shape usually looks something like the one shown attached.
