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    Topic: Energy storageSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Liya Cai 4/28/2021

    1 Like

    How to add energy storage in the transformation module and how to set those parameters under the energy storage branch? How does the energy storage affect the renewable renewable energy power in the module? Is there any up-to-date training materials concerning energy storage?

    Actually, I don't fully understand the principle of energy storage operation in LEAP model. Thank you.
  • Charlie Heaps 4/29/2021
      Best Response


    Hi Liya

    Here are a couple of pointers:

    1. You must be using NEMO to model energy storage. Storage is not (yet) supported either in simulation-based scenarios, nor when using OSeMOSYS.
    2. To model storage your module/scenario must be marked to be optimized. I recommend using NEMO with the free CBC solver, so in your electric generation module set the Optimize variable to "NEMO(Cbc)".
    3. Add one or more storage technologies as processes within your electricity generation module. When you add a process you can mark it as a storage technology using the dialog that pops up (shown below). Storage technologies have no feedstock fuels.

    Once you have a storage process, you will see new variables relevant only to storage processes such as: Full Load Hours, Starting Charge and Minimum Charge. The Process Efficiency variable is also relevant as it governs charge/discharge efficiency. The Full load hours variable is used to translate the power capacity (in MW) into storage capacity (MWhr).

    We don't (yet) have new training materials on storage, but suggest you take a look at the sample "Time Slice Demo" data set (using Area: Install: Install from Internet menu option in LEAP). Below is a screenshot showing Power Generation by time slice. Notice how energy goes into and out of the storage process depending on demand and availability of variable renewables processes.

    Hope this helps,


  • Liya Cai 5/9/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,

    Thank you so much for your reply. Will the training materials be uploaded in the future? The training material is easy for users to learn the function fo LEAP.

  • Liya Cai 5/16/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,

    It shows error when I try to install Time Slice Demo from Internet menu option in LEAP. Could you please send this document to me.

    Additionally, how to make the Region with pull-down list shown in LEAP. I marked Multinational in Settings, but I can't see the Region option shown beside Scenario option. Thank you.


  • Charlie Heaps 5/17/2021
      Best Response

    That message may indicate that a firewall is blocking LEAP from accessing the server. You should be able to get the file directly here:
  • Liya Cai 5/19/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks Charles. Time Slice demo works now.