• 85 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Table does not exist error - Root table "AreaData" not foundSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Josh Cowley 4/30/2021


    I'm having some trouble with my LEAP area lately, unclear why. The error seems to occur once the model has run, or the results tab is clicked.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    System Information
    Version: 2020.1.0.30 (64-Bit)
    Dictionary Version: 470
    Program Folder: "C:\Program Files\LEAP\"
    Areas Folder: "C:\Users\Josh Cowley\Documents\LEAP Areas\"
    Settings Folder: "C:\...\Documents\LEAP Areas\_Settings\"
    Instance: 1
    MapWinGIS: No
    Registered for Automation: Yes
    TSC64 64-Bit DLL for Scripting: Yes (C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAP\tsc64.dll)
    GLPK: 4.65 (64-Bit)
    NEMO: 1.40
    Julia: "C:\Users\Josh Cowley\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia 1.5.3\bin\"
    Registered to: "josh.cowley@vivideconomics.com" until June 30, 2021
    User Name: Josh Cowley
    Current Area
    Area Name: phase2_upd2021
    Base Year: 2006
    End Year: 2030
    First Scenario Year: 2014
    Scope: [Demand, Transform, Costs, Emissions]
    Scenarios: 80 (BAS, PLAN, NDC, RSA, POT, OTH, COM, NET, EFF, ...)
    Time Slices: 576 (January Weekday Hour 1, January Weekday Hour 2, January Weekday Hour 3, ...)
    User Variables: 35 (Historical Consumption, Unit Emissions, Pct MSW Open Burned at SWDS, Accumulated DDOCm, Amount Deposited, !Full Load Hours, ...)
    Microsoft Windows
    Version: Windows 10 Pro, 64 Bit
    Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
    Running as: Standard User
    BDE Installed: No
    Excel Installed: Yes
    Word Installed: Yes
    PowerPoint Installed: Yes
    Wine: No
    Screen Resolution: 3520 x 1205 pixels
    Date Format: dd/mm/yyyy
    List Separator: ","
    Decimal Separator: "."
    Thousands Separator: ","
    Internet Explorer: 11.789
    Fonts: Small fonts (100% Scaling)
    Anti-Virus: Windows Defender (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Virus: Norton Security (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: Windows Defender (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: Norton Security (Enabled, Up to date)
    Firewall: Norton Security (Enabled)
    PC Name: JOSH
    Processor: Intel Core i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz
    Processor Speed: 2400 MHz
    Number of Processors: 8
    Total Memory: 7.82 GB
    Available Memory: 0.71 GB
    Disk Size: 237.19 GB
    Free Disk Space: 58.98 GB
    Connected to Internet: Yes
  • Liya Cai 5/10/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Josh,

    Did you try reinstall LEAP? You'd better not change the default saving path or not delete any document. You can just simply refer to the training materials to operate. This error occurs when the system software missing or setting errors.

    Hope this helps,