• 151 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: hot keySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Xiaoxu Zeng 5/1/2021

    I would like to ask, is there a shortcut list command, such as I want to return to the previous operation, what shortcut can I enter?

  • Utsavshree Rajbhandari 5/7/2021
      Best Response

    I guess you are refereeing to undo action. There is no undo functionality although there used to be limited functional as far as i remember.
    You can use "Make Version" and "Revert to Version" functionalities if you need to go back to previous work (with added benefit that you can also go back and forth as many versions you have created. However, keep in mind your model would become large if you make too many versions.
  • Xiaoxu Zeng 5/14/2021
      Best Response
