• 84 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Export without productionSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Roman Aschbacher 5/2/2021

    Dear Madam/Sir,

    I am having troubles with my LEAP model in which I am trying to model the energy production and consumption of a university campus. In Transformation there are Gas and Diesel Boiler that transform fuels into heat, which is required on the demand side. However, for some reason LEAP exports the same amount of heat that is demanded without any clear source of production. Also, the exported values are not imported or produced somewhere in the model.

    Before I had a similar issue where an "empty" import and export of the same amount was conducted. I was able to get rid of the redundant import by setting the Unmet Requirements of Heat to MeetwithUpstreamModules. The redundant export remained.

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards,

    Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-02 um 15.59.23.png
  • Utsavshree Rajbhandari 5/7/2021
      Best Response

    Dear Roman,
    From the results you have shown the problem is most probably with your process efficiency data for sub-module Heat.
    I tried to recreate it myself and it occurred when the efficiency data is put greater than 100%

  • Charlie Heaps 5/7/2021
      Best Response

    Check also the units in the module that deals with the diesel boiler. From the Sankey diagram it looks like it is using much less oil than the imports. If the imports were hard wired and are not being consumed then, by default, LEAP will export them.