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    Topic: Cplex not found after NEMO updateSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Wulf Boie 5/4/2021

    1 Like

    Dear LEAP team

    I have updated LEAP and Nemo, but now Nemo doesn't find the CPLEX solver. I get the following message:

    I have installed CPLEX last year (version 12.8) and update NEMO today. I fact there is no cplex.dll file in the NEMO folder. Can you help?

    Best regards


  • Charlie Heaps 5/4/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Wulf,

    The latest versions of NEMO require v12.10 or 20.1 of CPLEX.

    See this page for more info.

  • Wulf Boie 5/5/2021
      Best Response

    Thank you Charlie, I will try that.
  • Xiaoxu Zeng 5/14/2021
      Best Response

    Can you give me the CPLEX(12.8), I can't find it from the Internet.
    My E-mail: 821562644@qq.com
    thank you very much.
  • Charlie Heaps 5/14/2021
      Best Response

    CPLEX has to be purchased from IBM. If you want to get started using LEAP, I would recommend beginning by using the free CBC solver, which is reasonably fast.

    See this page for more info: