• 148 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Dictionary ErrorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Amanda Ngwenya 5/24/2021

    Good day all

    Kindly see attached picture with a directory error I am getting. LEAP is refusing to open and giving me this error message. I updated LEAP yesterday (or day before) and was using with no issues until now. Could you kindly assist what I must do to solve this error?

    Best regards

    Dictionary Error.jpg
  • Charlie Heaps 5/25/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Amanda,

    This usually indicates some problem during installation, possibly due to insufficient access rights. I would recommend fully uninstalling LEAP then reinstalling. You may want to delete the Documents\LEAP Areas folder and the Program Files\LEAP folders before reinstalling, although be sure to make backup copies of your own areas first.

    Hope this helps,

  • Amanda Ngwenya 6/2/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks Charlie

    Yes, this was helpful.